A critique of wellness culture
A mindful way to approach the Buddhist message.
Thoughtfully considering authenticity
The comments are the most gratifying part of this. They effectively address concerns about the metaphysical commitments of faith, and how ideology can become a prison
I don’t agree with it, but this is a very useful critique of the essential Buddhist stance
Buddhism Basics
In the comments section is a very helpful debate about what happens to spirituality when it intersects with institutionalization
On different kinds of religious believers
On restoring the original essence of things – philosophy, religion etc.
Why you can’t just dismiss religion, because it doesn’t ‘check out’
Escape from Jesus Land: On Recognizing Evangelical Abuse and Finding the Strength to Reject the Faith of Our Fathers
Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God?
Graham was at times better than his religious ideology. The theocratic evangelical movement he helped build and legitimize, however, is not.
On the canonification of Billy Graham
Authoritarian Christianity, or, what Franklin Graham Really Means when he Equates Progressivism with Godlessness
Truth is a perspective, not an objective reality: making sense of the Bible
China’s billionaire real estate maven says it needs a spiritual revolution
On confession and forgiveness
How Protestantism gave Northern Europe freedom
Religion itself is not sacred
The classic fundamentalist error
The days of religion hiding the truth are over
Religion is not the problem, it appears
On how to cover religion and the experiences of others
What if religious violence really isn’t the culprit?
Again, the research is a yay for the positive effects of personal religion
Is religion good for you?
Billy Graham, considered without
He went on to conceive the idea of the Omega point (a maximum level of complexity and consciousness toward which he believed the universe was evolving, and which he identified with Christ as the Logos, or “Word” of God)
Who died and made you chief theologian of the universe?